Speaker: Peter Cheung 1. IA 32 CPU Programming Architecture. 2. Tools you need: compiler, linker, disassembler, others. 3. What people should know during coding a kernel. 4. ASM, C level things
How to Write Your Own Kernel

Speaker: Peter Cheung 1. IA 32 CPU Programming Architecture. 2. Tools you need: compiler, linker, disassembler, others. 3. What people should know during coding a kernel. 4. ASM, C level things
Speaker: Chak Man Li, Solon Mobile applications often need to perform long time operations like downloading data or intensive computations without affecting the user experience. These tasks need to be run in other threads but thread managing is hard and tedious. In this talk, I will introduce some easy-to-use classes in Android with sample codes […]
Come and join us on Friday. Speakers: LYU Zishen, YAO Fangjie Abstract: Big data is a buzzword nowadays, many companies use big data processing platforms to tackle big data problems. Apache Spark has quite some advantages compared to others, and is rapidly becoming the compute engine of choice for big data. This talk covers Apache […]
In January 29th, our old friend Wei Tang gave a talk, “Writing a Microkernel in Rust” in OIL. It was really inspiring and many of you who are interested in Kernel have come to OIL. Thanks for your participation! For your reference and for those who could not show up that night, here are the slides […]
Hi all, This Friday night we will have a sharing about basic programming in LabView. Come and join us! Abstract: “LabView, a graphical programming language taht can enable your innovation idea into a real one. It is programming platform that using your logical thinking. Many projects have used this programming language to implement their products. […]
This time we have two speakers. Tony first introduce the new features of ECMAScript 6. Andy then exploit ES6 to build a github search webpage.
Have you ever wonder how is the daily life as a typical security consultant a.k.a. pentester in Hong Kong? What you need to know beside hacking and exploitation when you are engaging those multi-national blue chip customers? In this talk, you can get better prepared if you would like to make hacking for fun and […]
Thanks Deb’s inspiring talk about his Antarctica data analytic project, and Dr. Ray’s sharing of interesting projects in CAL, Cityu Apps Lab.
The speaker will first introduce the applications. Then the participants can try to install and run them in their computers. The whole workshop is fun and inspiring! People without any prior web dev experience are also welcome to join! Thanks Carson for the great talk!
The speaker have introduced the concept of software defined radio and then show the audience some cases that software defined radio tools (e.g., USRP&GNU Radio) were used to hack the radio frequency (RF) world. Given by Lizhao You.